Neck pain in San Ramon

Neck pain can be very debilitating, particularly if it stretches down to the shoulders. If left untreated, it can become more severe and may require surgery. Sharp pains in the neck can make it difficult to function properly in daily life. Physical therapy can relieve neck pain. It doesn’t matter if your neck pain makes it difficult to sit straight at work, or tilt your head down to tie your shoes. Physical therapy is a common way for many people to relieve their neck pain. Our physical therapy practice is committed to providing the relief you require.

There are many reasons neck pain can occur. Neck pain typically starts at the base of the skull and ends at the top of the shoulder blades and could settle in the back. It can be anything from a dull, constant ache to sharp, stabbing pains. Additional symptoms can include:

  • Headaches
  • Upper body stiffness and muscle tightness
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Pain and discomfort when you stay in the same place for too long
  • Sleep loss due to discomfort and pain
  • Weakness in the arm
  • Inability to stand or sit straight

What Causes Neck Pain?

Most commonly, neck pain is caused by injuries to the tissues and bone structures of the neck. However, there are other causes. The following conditions can cause pain in the neck:


Whiplash, which results in neck pain and is most commonly caused by an automobile collision or high-impact sports collision, is the most common injury. This is called a “strain injury” and causes the head to whip back-and forth, causing damage to the soft tissues at the back of your neck.

Muscle strain.

Overuse can cause strain to your neck muscles. Overuse can cause strain even if you are just sitting at your computer all day, with your neck pointing toward the screen.

Nerve compression.

The nerves that run from your spinal cord may become compressed if there is a herniated disk in your neck. Radiculopathy is a term that describes nerve pain that can extend down from the neck to the fingers and hands.


Neck pain can be caused by certain diseases or ailments, including rheumatoid, meningitis, and cancer.

Joint degeneration.

As with any other joint in the body, your neck joints can become brittle over time, which can lead to pain. Osteoarthritis, which can lead to neck pain, can also cause cartilage loss between the vertebrae of the neck.

How Physical Therapy Can Help in San Ramon

Physical therapy is the best treatment for neck pain. Our physical therapists will perform an initial evaluation to determine the range of motion and limitations in your neck. The diagnosis will be used to determine the treatment plan. Together, you will discuss the goals and expectations for each step of your individual treatment plan. The main focus is on relieving neck pain and getting back to work as soon as possible.

Manual or “hands-on” therapy is the most common treatment for neck pain. This involves special techniques that reduce stiffness and increase the range of motion. You will also be provided with targeted exercises by our physical therapists that will strengthen, develop, and improve your neck’s tissues and muscles. To help your neck muscles recover, we will work to improve your posture and prevent future injuries. Our physical therapist may also recommend additional treatments such as ice and heat, ultrasound, or electric stimulation.

Get Neck Pain Relief in San Ramon

Do not let daily discomfort become a problem in your neck. Call Us Now to Schedule your first consultation with one of our licensed physical therapy professionals! You can get started on your journey to long-lasting pain relief with our physical therapists.

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Andriana M.

James was amazing with my mom after she fell and suffered a broken neck last year. She spent some time in the hospital following emergency surgery, and he was able to help me navigate the process of what the hospital was (or was not) telling me about the next steps to help her get on the right track to healing. Additionally, his in-home Physical Therapy services were patient, customized, and manageable by my mom who was very nervous to get moving initially. He helped guide her to things that would make her stronger, demonstrated exercises that were within her capabilities and others that would help her gain strength she didn’t even have before. He was very understanding and sensitive to her fears and he was motivational to her when I feel like she needed it most. I highly recommend James for folks who have experienced a traumatic fall or accident, as my mom did. I considered him a partner, a resource, a guiding light in the world of hospital talk, and a wonderful provider of Physical Therapy for recovery and strengthening. So grateful to have had you in our corner during that time!

Stanley Forsyth

Hello, I am a Physical Therapist Aide. I was working with a client with a traumatic brain injury. She was recently released from the hospital, and was home. I had recommended to the family that getting a Physical Therapist would really benefit her. The Family found “Bateman Physical Therapy”. James was nice and allowed me to sit in on a session. I was curious to see what James was doing. Because I noticed that the Client was getting stronger and that their range of motion was also improving. It’s really awesome how much butter the client is doing now. Thank you so much to “Bateman Physical Therapy” For all that great work that you were able to do with the client.